A Kid Like Jake

Featuring: Lorelei Lemon, Seth Blum, Benji Taylor Jones, and Nunna Noe

Director: Michelle Murray Wells
Assistant Director: Brian Yandle
Stage Manager: Wade Wood
Assistant Stage Manager: Frances Smyth
Set Design: Jeff Nugent
Lighting Design: Anthony Buckner
Costume Design: Krystin Bailey
Sound Design: Shelley Snapp
Props Design: Carolyn Briggs
Technical Assistant: Matthew Tucker

Alex and Greg only want the best for their five year old son, Jake. As they navigate the stressors of applying to Brooklyn private schools, they're confronted with a choice; should they highlight Jake's love of Cinderella and his gender expansive play in an appeal to schools looking to capitalize on diversity? And what affect might such a strategy have on Jake?

What paths forward can supportive parents of queer kids take when there are no simple answers? Vixen Theatre Company's inaugural production explores what we do with unconditional love in uncertain times.

Performance Dates & Times:

Friday, August 16th - 7:30pm
Saturday, August 17th - 7:30pm
Friday, August 23rd - 7:30pm
Saturday, August 24th - 7:30pm
Sunday, August 25th - 2:00pm

Murphy School Auditorium
224 Polk St, Raleigh, NC 27604

Ticket Prices & Information

General Admission: $30
Student/Senior: $20
*Seats for Everyone: $10

*We never want the price of a ticket to deter anyone from seeing our show. We're so excited to offer a Seats for Everyone $10 ticket option, literally available to everyone. If it's best for you and your budget, it's best for us, too.